Aug 16 2006

ASPAlliance Times : An Extended GridView Control

Category:Bil@l @ 12:44

I was so surprised this morning to read the ASPAlliance newsletter and notice that my article was chosen as the featured article for this week.

Not only that, Steven Smith added his "Editor's Comments" all on my new extended control. I haven't seen before the editor's comments on an article but rather on a new third-party control or even new technology.

Here are the comments:

Our featured article this week is really worth a look.  The standard GridVew
is a huge improvement over the DataGrid in ASP.NET 1.x, but in this article,
Bilal looks extends the control with over 10 pages worth of additional
features, covering many of the features that typically require the use of a
third-party control.  Some of the added features include selection based on
row click or doubleclick, filters, row checkboxes, confirm buttons, and sort
images in the header.  The article also does a good job of showing how you
can extend the GridView (or other ASP.NET controls) yourself.  Check it out!


Wow Steve, that is too much for me!! I am very happy to know that I did something cool and good for the community too!!!

Thanks a lot for your support and for!!



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