Apr 13 2008

Not Going to Seattle, again!

Category:Bil@l @ 20:29

Once again, I am not given the US visa on time to attend the MVP Global Summit in Seattle for the 3rd consecutive year.


First year, the embassy said, "you are still too young to go to the States"

Last year, they told me, go now, and we will call you back. But wait, I like their honestly, they called me after 8 months to get my visa :)

This year, I am waiting the 8 months to go get my visa ;)


Microsoft, could you be generous enough and do this summit somewhere in Europe? Asia? Africa? Australia? just anywhere else !!!


Hope you MVP guys and girls enjoy your time there! Say hi to Bill please :D

Hope one day I will be able to attend the summit and meet you all!


Regards to all,


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