Apr 4 2007

xListbox and Mover-Control

Category:Bil@l @ 06:36

In my previous articles that I have written on ASPAlliance.com under the titles of:

I have developed an extended ListBox that preserves changes on the client-side and after a call to server-side too. Sometimes you might need to add items to a ListBox on the client-side and need to preserve the changes after a postback. Well, this is not the behavior of the ListBox that ships with ASP.NET x.x.

In the above articles, I added this functionality such that, ListBox can now preserve the changes on the client-side. In the other article article, I used the xListBox to create a Mover-Control. Two xListboxes facing each other where you can move items from one Listbox to another and preserve the changes on the client and server sides.

However, both controls were not working on browsers other than IE! I had to fix them and now they work well on:

IE (5.5+), FireFox (2.0), and Opera (9.10)

You can download the xListBox here: https://bhaidar.net/cs/files/folders/april_2007/entry2425.aspx

You can download the Mover-Control here: https://bhaidar.net/cs/files/folders/april_2007/entry2426.aspx

Both downloads include the ".cs" and ".dll".

If you still have any problem or question feel free to contact me and I will do my best to make my controls look better!



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