I would like to welcome you all to my official blog, which is now hosted on my own hosting account.
I installed the CommunityServer 1.1 locally, then uploaded the files and the database to my hosting account at WebHost4Life.com.
I used the FoggyValley theme for my Blog, which can be downloaded from here.
I also used the Single Blog/Gallery SiteUrls Generator for CS 1.1, which helped me create a single blog/gallery on this website.
I hope you like my new website. I wish I will be able to deliver good stuff for you all, to benefit as much people as possible all over the world.
Keep an eye on this blog for .NET tips, tricks and good resources.
I would like to thank WebHost4Life Technical Support and Wessam Zeidan, the Palestinian MVP (Lebanon Resident), for helping me out on configuring and installing my new blog.
Tags: General, General