May 12 2007

ASP.NET AJAX from Scratch

Category: AJAX-ATLAS | MSDN WebCastsBil@l @ 11:20

For all new ASP.NET AJAX developers, I advise you to attend the coming web cast on Monday, May 14, 2007.

Check it more details here: Russ and Joe Developer Show: ASP.NET AJAX from Scratch

Hope this helps,

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May 6 2007

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Ajax - Client Library Webcasts

Category: AJAX-ATLAS | MSDN WebCastsBil@l @ 11:08

Rob Bagby, a Microsoft Developer Evangelist, is running in the coming weeks a series of Webcasts on the Client Side of ASP.NET AJAX, here is the list:

May 4 2007

MSDN WebCast : ASP.NET AJAX Client Libraries: Calling Web Services

Category: AJAX-ATLAS | MSDN WebCastsBil@l @ 16:46

I have attended the first live MSDN Webcast in my life yesterday by a great presenter Rob Bagby.

Few days ago I watched his first webcast which was ASP.NET AJAX Client Libraries: Overview, he promised to have a series of like 8+ web casts on the same topic!!

Yesterday's webcast was perfect, Rob went into so many details that are very important to know and explained in details how to call Webservices from the client side of AJAX. I advise you to check it out: ASP.NET AJAX Client Libraries: Calling Web Services

I am now attending the Best Practices for Building Next-Generation Web Applications with ASP.NET AJAX.



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