Jun 6 2006

DnnCreative Magazine Issue 10

Category: DotNetNukeBil@l @ 18:18

You can now check the DnnCreative Magazine Issue 10!!

This is a completely free issue. For issue 10 we have created a completely separate DotNetNuke Skinning Resource, the DotNetNuke Skinning Toolkit.

This is a 98 page resource which demonstrates all of the skin classes within DotNetNuke so that you can easily view, search and learn how to style the various elements within a DotNetNuke skin.

This is a really useful reference tool for beginner and advanced DotNetNuke skin designers.

Following the research into the various DotNetNuke classes we have also outlined in further articles how you can reduce the CSS code required for a DotNetNuke skin, as well as tips for avoiding un-explained / un-wanted styling appearing in your DotNetNuke skins.


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