Sep 27 2006

FunctionX Resource

Category:Bil@l @ 11:30

A friend of mine at work found a very interesting website in his process to learn SQL Server, that has many detailed tutorials that helps all those willing to learn C#, VB.NET, ADO.NET, SQL Server, etc ... to get a very detailed and good introduction!!

Hope you will like the website!!



Sep 21 2006

Extended GridView Control

Category:Bil@l @ 20:37

Dear all,

I have been receiving a huge amount of emails asking me about the source code of the extended GridView control I published on at this url:

I am really sorry for letting you wait all this time. As you know we had war in my country, and it has been only one week I came back to Lebanon. We have lots of pressure at work and I'm unable to open the GridView control solution to do any fixes or additions.

I kindly ask you to wait on me some time before I will be able to upload the source code with the latest changes!!

I truly appreciate your understanding for the situation!

Best Regards,

