Q1 2009 SP1 (version 2009.1.413)
RadGridView for Silverlight
New Features:
- CanUserSortColumns property added
- Disabled CheckBox for boolean column in view mode instead True/False added
- Cells property added for grid rows - Items is now obsolete.
- ExcelML export added
- Exporting improvements (styles & formatting)
- Exporting event added
- Support for mouse over state in Cells added
- GridViewComboboxColumn added
- DistinctValues IValueConverter support added
- RowAppearance settings moved to GridViewDataControl (RowStyle, HeaderRowStyle, etc.) - RowAppearance is now obsolete
- HeaderRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
- GroupRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
- NewRowStyle property added for GridViewDataControl
- Added Validation style for Vista, Summer and Office_Black themes
- TAB naviagation improvements
- CellTemplate and CellEditTemplate DataTemplate properties for GridViewColumn added
- CreateCellElement and CreateCellEditElement virtual methods for GridViewColumn added
- Export does not take into account columns that are hidden is now fixed
- Height cannot be set in XAML for the grid rows is now fixed
- Duplicate rows in Export to Excel is now fixed
- HeaderText cannot be set in runtime is now fixed
- GridViewColumn IsVisible now will not reset GridViewDataControl template
- Cells are not created if the grid is not visible
Control+Click multiple selection broken after switching tabs in a TabControl is now fixed
- Column reordering with custom filter description added to the composite filter description of the grid is now fixed
- DataElement property of RowLoadedEventArgs throws exception on new row is now fixed
- Async binding does not work properly with filtering
- Sorting on nested or indexed properties is now fixed
- Distinct values on ntext columns exception is now fixed
- Sorting on ntext columns is now fixed
- CustomTypeDescriptor problems with sorting and distinct values are now fixed (WPF only)
- Filtering on string when target value is null is now fixed
- GroupingRequested not raised on group panel cell close button click is now fixed
- DataFormatString does not work properly on export is now fixed
- Vertical scrollbar margin not calculated properly when new row is visible is now fixed
New Features:
- Added two new 2D chart types: StackedLine and StackedSpline
- Added AxisY.ExtendDirection property. This property will define if and in which direction AxisY will automatically add an additional step in order to ensure there is always a gap between the graph and the chart area top/bottom end. It is respected only when AutoRange property is set to true and IsZeroBasedProperty is treated with higher priority. The possible values are:
- AxisExtendDirection.None - the Y axis will not be extended
- AxisExtendDirection.Down - the Y axis will have an additional item at the bottom
- AxisExtendDirection.Up - the Y axis will have an additional item at the top
- AxisExtendDirection.Both - the Y axis will have an additional item at both - top and bottom
- AxisExtendDirection.Smart - acts like AxisExtendDirection.Both with a single difference: the axis will never be extended outside the 0 value
- New series types - StackedLine and StackedSpline
- Exposed Style properties for customization of the visual elements of RadChart:
- RadChart.TitleStyle - gets or sets the title style
- RadChart.LegendStyle - gets or sets the legend style
- SeriesDefinition.PointMarkItemStyle - gets or sets the Style associated with each point mark (where applicable)
- SeriesDefinition.SeriesItemLabelStyle - gets or sets the series item label style
- ChartArea.AxisXStyle - gets or sets the axis X style
- ChartArea.AxisYStyle - gets or sets the axis Y style
- ChartLegend.LegendItemStyle - gets or sets the legend item style
- PointMarks shape and appearance can now be customized through
- SeriesDefinition.Appearance.PointMark complex property
- Added item tooltip format
- Introduced automatic AxisX.LayoutMode selection that takes the actual displayed chart series into account
- Fixed an issue with series item format not working for the last item
- Applying styles to AxisXLabel2D is now possible
- Fixed an issue with wrong ItemIndex in ChartItemClickEventArgs for radial series.
Breaking Changes:
- AxisY.AutoScale is now obsolete. Please, use AutoRange property instead
- Numeric label formats have changed - there is no {0} placeholder used anymore. For example the old format "{0:C}" is now written as "C"
New Features:
- Semi-circle styles for radial gauges
- Quadrant-like styles for radial gauges
Fixes in Firefox:
- Telerik.Windows.Controls.Editor.dll – fixed mistaken assembly info affecting IntelliSense
- SelectionStart, SelectionLength, AutoCompleteInterval - new properties added
- Drag-Related properties can now be set in the constructor of the RootVisual, no Null Exceptions will occur
- When the drag Source is set as a DragCue, it is correctly put back in the visual tree on drop complete
- Drag-drop across multiple nested windows now works as expected
- TemplateBinding to HeaderTemplate now added in all templates
- Modal Window background now visible in Alert, Prompt, Confirm.
- Fixed RadMediaPlayer bug affecting the CurrentItem property when set before the template has been applied
- Removed a Loaded Trigger which confused Blend during template editing
Memory Leak Fixes:
- RadWindow, RadTreeView, RadMenu, RadNumericUpDown, RadSlider
Tags: silverlight 2.0, Telerik Controls