Feb 20 2009

Connection Creation on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Category: Windows Server 2008 | Windows VistaBil@l @ 17:08

I have been encountering a problem lately on my Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 laptops whenever I try to create a new connection from the Network and Sharing Center applet. The message that I receive is:

"The wizard cannot create the connection"

After so many googling I found out that two main services should be enabled & started to be able to create a connection, regardless of the type of the connection. The services are:

  1. Telephony
  2. Remote Access Connection Manager

Just enable and start the above two services and that's it. Your problem is solved.


Hope this helps,

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Jan 23 2009

Thumbnails not showing/previewing in Windows Explorer - Windows Server 2008

Category: Windows Server 2008Bil@l @ 21:18

I have always found it bothering not to be able to view the image thumbnails inside Windows Explorer in Windows Server 2008. What I did to solve the problem and be able to view the thumbnails, is go do the following:

  1. Inside Windows Explorer, go to Tools menu
  2. Select *Folder Options*
  3. Select the *View* tab
  4. Deselect the first checkbox "Always show icons, never thumbnails"

That's all what you need to do :)




May 9 2008

Install Windows Search Service on Windows Server 2008

Category: Windows Server 2008Bil@l @ 09:04

Enabling advanced search inside Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 requires that you install Windows Search Service on the machine! However, installing this service is not that direct and easy to reach.

To install Windows Search Service on a Windows Service 2008 follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Server Manager
  2. Click on Add Roles
  3. Select File Services
  4. Select Window Search Service
  5. Select the drives you want WSS to have control on


Hope this helps,
