Feb 1 2009

How to configure IIS 7.0 to run and process WCF Services

Category: WCF ServicesBil@l @ 14:35

By default, IIS 7.0 is not configured to run WCF Services. To allow IIS 7.0 to handle those services, two configuration settings are to be added either on the Application Level or the Default Web Site Level on IIS 7.0. For this post, I will show you how to configure IIS 7.0 to run WCF Services on the Default Web Site Level:

Click on the Default Web Site node, you will get a list of all applet icons on the right side.

  1. Double click on the MIME Types applet. On the Actions menu, click on the Add menu item. A window pops up, enter the following information:

    File name extension: .svc
    MIME type:  application/octet-stream

  2. Click again on the Default Web Site node on the left side, then double click on the Handler Mappings applet icon on the right side. On the Actions menu, click on the Add Managed Handler. A window pops up, enter the following information:

    Request path: *.svc
    Type: System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler
    Name: svc-Integrated

That's all what you need to do to allow IIS 7.0 to handle and process WCF Services.

Hope this post helps,

