Jan 16 2006

The Dream - Episode 2

Category: General | GeneralBil@l @ 01:47

I spent the whole day working on my dream. It is taking lots of time, but at least, there is something making me happy these days !!

Keep an eye here!!


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Jan 14 2006

Unable to Start Debugging on the Server. You do not have permission to debug

Category: ASP.NET 1.x | ASP.NET 2.0 - GeneralBil@l @ 20:46

Have you ever faced that error before?

I have started development lately on a Windows 2003 Standard Server, having both VS.NET 2003 and VS.NET 2005 installed.

I was trying to open a DotNetNuke project yesterday and got the error by VS.NET 2003:

Error while trying to run the project  : Unable to Start debugging on the web server. You do not have permissions to debug the server
Verify that you are a member of the 'Debugger Users' group on the server

I have Integrated Security on, Network Service, ASPNET, Administrator (Local Account), IUSR_MachineName accounts all added in the Debugger Users group.

Lately, I figured out after reading this document, How To Solve Debugger Problems

If you created the web project with a full machine name (like “machinename.domainname.something”), the web site is recognized as “Internet” site.
So the default setting of IE will impact on the behavior of log on. In this case, you need to enable logging on with your current user account in “Internet” area with IE setting.

But it is not the default setting of IE, so you’d be better off if you create project with only the machine name.


So, open the IE browser, go to --> Tools --> Internet Options --> Security --> Custom Level --> User Authentication --> Select Automatic Logon with current username/password


This will hopefully, fix your problem.



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Jan 14 2006

The Dream - Episode 1

Category: General | GeneralBil@l @ 01:01

Here I am announcing the start of the Lebanese and Personal Dream.

Keep an eye on this Blog, to know more about the Dream.